Preconference Theme and Sub-themes
Main theme: Future-proofing family medicine
- Sustainable health systems - including workforce, access to care and medical education
- Wellbeing - including work/life balance and doctors' health
- Planetary health
- Impactful organisations - including leadership, WONCA (and the YDMs), knowledge development and dissemination
Criteria for Abstract Submission
Presentation format options:
- Workshop (75 minutes)
- Lecture (75 minutes)
- Oral presentations (10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes questions)
- Short oral presentations (5 minutes presentation + 2 minutes questions)
Guidelines for Abstracts
Language: Abstracts have to be written in English. The conference language will be easy English.
Title: We recommend short titles that clearly indicate the topic and research area of your work. Capitalise only the first letter of the title. Please do not capitalise every word. The maximum title length is 20 words.
Text: The text of the abstract (excluding the title) should not exceed 250 words. Abbreviations should be avoided unless they are well known (e.g. WONCA). Tables and figures cannot be included in abstracts.
Conflicts of interest: Please declare any conflicts of interest. Presentations are not marketing opportunities for particular products or services, and submissions of this nature will not be considered.
Authors' names: Please include all of your first and last names. Please do not include degrees or professional titles. We encourage you to have the first author in a maximum of 3 submissions.
Abstract format guidelines:
- All submissions must be relevant to the preconference theme and sub-themes. Submissions that are not relevant will not be considered.
- Furthermore, all submissions must follow the structure below. Abstracts that do not follow these guidelines, will unfortunately not be considered. If the abstract is not selected for the author's preferred presentation format, it will automatically be considered for another format. We offer slots for workshops depending on the idea, as well as lectures for even larger audiences.
Abstract templates:
- Idea
- Background and relevance to family medicine
- Intended learning objectives
- 2-5 keywords
- Background
- Didactic Method
- Objectives
- Estimated number of participants
- 2-5 keywords
Oral Presentation (10+5 minutes or 5+2 minutes)
- Background
- Methods
- Outcome/ Result
- Discussion
- Take home message
- 2-5 keywords
Criteria for good Grading
- Scientific quality
- Novelty
- Relevance to the conference sub-themes
- Abstracts with authors representing different regions and countries will be given preference