The WONCA World Conference 2025 aims to be an accessible and inclusive event. As such we have taken steps to support attendees with additional requirements, including being a family and disability friendly conference. More details will be shared in the conference newsletter. Please email woncaworld2025@guarant.cz with specific accessibility questions.
I have completed my registration for the WONCA WORLD Conference 2025 and found that I made a mistake in the invoicing address, can I correct the invoicing address by myself?
No, you must contact the WONCA World 2025 Secretariat at woncaworld2025@guarant.cz. Please specify the exact change you need to make and wait for a reply. If possible, do not pay any fees until the correction is made.
I have completed my registration for the WONCA WORLD Conference 2025. Can I buy a ticket for the YDM Preconference later?
Yes, log back into your registration profile with the password you received in the mail when you first registered. You can also purchase admission to the YDM Preconference Party.
I have completed my registration for the WONCA WORLD Conference 2025. Will I be able to log back into my registration profile later and purchase a ticket for the Conference Dinner?
No, once you have selected the registration fee and completed the registration, you cannot purchase the Conference Dinner afterward. You need to contact WONCA World 2025 Secretariat at woncaworld2025@guarant.cz.
I forgot the password to my registration profile, what should I do?
You can reset your password using the Forgotten password button?
How long does it take to issue an invitation letter to help me get a visa?
Issuing an invitation letter may take up to 10 days. Therefore, please request this document well in advance, and no later than 2 months before the event.
What information is required to issue an invitation letter?
Your full name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Country of citizenship (country that issued your passport)
Passport number
Date of expiry of your passport
I do not see the hotel listed on the WONCA WORLD Conference 2025 website in the registration/accommodation form.
This means that the hotel is currently sold out.
I need to register a larger group of participants (10 and more). How should I proceed?
Please fill out the Group Registration Table for group registration and send it to us along with the invoicing address at woncaworld2025@guarant.cz.
Abstract Submission
When is the abstract submission deadline?
The abstract submission deadline is on March 31, 2025.
How should I submit an abstract for WONCA World Lisbon?
Please follow our abstract submission guidelines here: call-for-abstracts.
How do I submit an abstract for YDM Pre-conference?
Please follow the abstract submission guidelines here: ydm-preconference--call-for-abstracts.
How will I know, If my abstract was accepted?
You will receive an abstract acceptance/rejection letter no later than June 1, 2025.
Do I need to register and attend the conference to present my abstract?
You always need to be registered and attend the conference to present your abstract.